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Hard copies of a number of maps of Lewis and Clark's journey across the stae of Missouri are available for purchase from the Geographic Resources Center. A brief description of the available maps is given in the table below.


Please print, fill out and mail or fax the ORDER FORM (Adobe .pdf format). Alternatively, you can call the Geographic Resources Center with your order. Tel (573) 882-1404

All Maps are now on sale
The glossy is a great bargain at only $2 dollars. Get yours now while stocks last.

Map Description

(click the thumbnails to view a larger preview in a new window)


"The Journey Begins"

State-wide map depicting Lewis & Clark's 1803-1804 course, waypoints and campsites. Additional layers show early land grants, towns and general land cover.

Click to view larger version of "The Journey Begins" map in a new window

$15 Reduced Now Only $2

Glossy Coated paper30" x 27" Printed by University Printing Services

"The Journey Ends"

State-wide map depicting Lewis & Clark's 1806 course, waypoints and campsites. Additional layers show early land grants, towns and general land cover.

Click to view larger version of "The Journey Ends" map in a new window

$20 Reduced Now Only $10

Bright white paper42" x 36" Plotted on HP plotter at the GRC

"Landscape & Landmarks"

The Historic Missouri River corridor with specific historical land cover and Lewis & Clark landmarks.

Click to view a larger version of "Landscape & Landmarks" map in a new window

$20 Reduced Now Only $10

"Landsat East"

Eastern Missouri River with Near-Infrared Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery with overlays of the old rivers and the Lewis & Clark expedition.

Click to view a larger version of "Easter Missouri Landsat" map in a new window

$20 Reduced Now Only $10

"Landsat West"

Western Missouri River with Near-Infrared Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery with overlays of the old rivers and the Lewis & Clark expedition.

Click to view a larger version of the "Western Missouri Landsat" map in a new window

$20 Reduced Now Only $10

"Landsat Central"

Central Missouri River with Near-Infrared Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery with overlays of the old rivers and the Lewis & Clark expedition.

Click to view a larger version of the "Central Missouri Landsat" map in a new window

$20 Reduced Now Only $10

"Landsat Northwest"

Northwestern Missouri River with Near-Infrared Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery with overlays of the old rivers and the Lewis & Clark expedition.

Click to view a larger version of the "Landsat Northwest" map in a new window

$20 Reduced Now Only $10

brown line